BitVertex designs and constructs unique solutions designed according to the individual requirements,
nuances and objectives of a particular project. Every client and every project is unique. We take ownership of responsibility
for the design, creation and delivery of high quality managed software solutions that can be relied upon.
The main reasons for our success are:
- The performance of the software we create and the efficiencies and benefits realised from its use.
- The cost effectiveness of the solutions we provide
- Our understanding of the software development process
- The quality and longevity of the technologies and tools we use.
- The calibre, knowledge and experience of the personnel we employ internally to use those tools.
- The professionalism and transparency of the internal management and development working processes that we follow.
- The flexibility of our support agreements which compliment the internal resources and preferences of each client.
- Web Development
- Social Applicaions
- Database Development
- Ecommerce Solutions
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